Monday, October 7, 2019

Reduce excess weight and body fat with the help of diet

Welcome. This is the third part of obesity in which we are going to tell you about diet plan to remove the obesity completely. To check the 2nd part, i. e. workouts for removing obesity, click here. To check the 1st part, i. e. basics of workouts for removing obesity, click here.

In this part of diet for removing obesity, we are telling you about important nutritions to reduce excess body weight & fat, produce energy and maintain body fitness.

1 : Minerals

a. Calcium : It helps in making bones strong, gives strength to musclesactivate cells and gives us a deep sleep by which our body loses excess fat & weight.

Source : Chia Seeds, Cheese, Yogurt, Beans, Lentils.

b. Iron : It helps in improving blood and oxygen level. It increase the level of immunity system and produce energy, by which fat cells doesn't take birth.

Source : Soyabean, Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans, Green Leafy Vegetables.

c. Magnesium : It makes immunity system strong, produce energy and maintains strength of our bones and because of this blood pressure remains normal by our heart beat, which cause reduction in excess weight and fat.

Source : Green Leafy Vegetables, Banana, Soyabeans, Chickpeas, Dark Chocolates.

d. Fiber : It helps in absorption & digestion of food to detox waste from your body, by which excess body fat & weight doesn't occur.

Source : Black beans, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, Pear, Apple.

e. Omega 3 :  It's good for heart & brain. It keeps you away from depression, improve flexibility of body and improve sleep.

Source : Flax seeds, Chia seeds, walnuts, sesame seed, soyabean.

2 : Vitamin

a. Vitamin D : Helps in absorption of calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphate & Zinc. Improve energy level and reduce body excess weight & fat.

Source : Sunlight, Soy, Mushroom, Cow Milk, Orange Juice.

b. Vitamin C : Improve immunity & anti-oxidant properties, grow & repair tissues of body maintaining bones and reduce excess body fat & weight.

Source : Pineapple, Oranges, Spinach, Strawberries, Bellpepper.

3 : Protein

a. Arginine : Helps in muscle development, reduce weight, maintain heart health, and improve immunity system.

Source : Milk, Peanuts, Soyabean, Pumpkin seeds, chickpeas

b. Methionine : Helps your liver functions and anti-oxidant properties to reduce excess body  fat build up, immune cell protection and maintain body function.

Source : Sesame seeds, soyabean, beans, cheese, chickpeas.

c. Leucine : Helps in healing wounds from injuries and produce energy which cause in reduction of excess body fat & weight.

Source : Cheese, Soyabeans, flaxseeds, Peanuts, Beans

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